The details are set for our Providence Canyon spring workshop. The dates are April 4-5, 2009. We will spend the first day around and in the canyon shooting the rim and the floor. There are also some abandoned automobiles and a church which are very cool. The park opens at 7AM and closes at 9PM, the light may be gone before 9PM, but we will stay out until dark.
If we have a place to meet that night we will do some critiques of the images shot that day. The next morning we will meet and head for Westville, GA., an 1800's working town. There will be no limit to the possibilities of the shoot there. They have blacksmiths, basket weavers, doctors office and other goodies. The shoot here will be black & white oriented as the situation will be good for that medium. We will spend the entire day here and try to shoot and learn as much as possible.
All in all it should be a very good learning experience for all who attend. The cost is $225.00 for the whole weekend, lodging will be up to the individual, we will try to give more info as time goes by. The park is way out in the middle of nowhere so lodging will be scarce, we may have to stay a little ways from the park.
Contact me by email if you are interested in joining us on this workshop, it will be a weekend well spent.
mikenalley@comcast.net my phone 770-235-2355.